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Published onSeptember 23, 2024How to protect Next.js App Router's page with authorization checkdevreactnext.jstypescriptWhen we don't want anyone to be able to access the page
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Published onMay 5, 2020[Dev Note] Using Environment Variables in NextJS Safely and ConvenientlynextjsdevreactA developer's guide on using environment variables in NextJS effectively, updated for version 9.4.
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Published onOctober 6, 2019[Dev Note] Testing React component which contains async codereactdevDiscusses testing React components with asynchronous code, focusing on fetching data upon first component mount.
Published onDecember 2, 2018Type-Safe Localization for React App Using FlowdevreactDiscusses creating type-safe localization for React apps with Flow, motivated by Switzerland's multilingual context and focusing on popular React internationalization libraries.