Published onSeptember 15, 2024How to deploy a single file website to VerceldevvercelNo build steps, no 3rd party dependencies, just a single fileRead more →
Published onSeptember 10, 2024Interesting behaviour of useTransition in Next.jsdevnextjsreactI just found out about its two use casesRead more →
Published onSeptember 4, 2024How to Show Task Sequence Progress with React Suspense and RSC in Next.jsdevnextjsWithout useState, useEffect, client side fetch, or any other networking libraryRead more →
Published onAugust 28, 2024The new TypedSQL in Prisma: Raw query with type safetydevprismaRaw dogging your SQL query safely!Read more →
Published onAugust 27, 2024How to deploy App Store and Beta versions of React Native iOS app from Azure DevOps pipelinedevreact-nativeiosSo testers can install both App Store and Beta versions of your appRead more →