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    Closure vs Function in JavaScript


    In the last blog post I discussed about a subtle memory issue in JavaScript and how I found out that setTimeout can accept more than two arguments. It's reassuring that, based on some Twitter comments, I wasn't the only one to discover this.

    But then Ryan Dsouza on Twitter asked why the fix in the post worked. I thought I understood the solution but it turned out to be a bit more complicated than I thought. After spending a few hours pondering, I think I can explain it

    The original problem

    So let's take a look at the original code:

    function demo() {
      const bigArrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(100_000_000)
      const id = setTimeout(() => {
      }, 1000)
      return () => clearTimeout(id)
    let cancelDemo
    document.getElementById('runDemo').addEventListener('click', () => {
      cancelDemo = demo()

    Honestly, I have no idea how the browser exactly executes this code, but based on the outcome, I imagine it's something like this:

    1. When the demo() function is called (line 13 in the code), a reference to it is created.
    2. Then it creates bigArrayBuffer (line 2) which means the demo function owns the reference to the bigArrayBuffer as indicated by the arrow 1 in the image above.
    3. Then it creates a callback function (line 3) which is passed to setTimeout as indicated by the arrow 2 in the image above.
    4. However, the callback function captures the reference to bigArrayBuffer (line 4) as indicated by the arrow 3. Here are two important assumptions about a function that captures a variable outside of its scope which could explain the memory issue: (a) the function implicitly keeps a reference to the owner of the variable too, (b) the closure somehow instructs the owner of the variable to keep a reference to it as long as the owner is still around. I said "assumptions" because this is where I don't have a solid evidence. The first assumption is indicated by arrow 4 and the second assumption is indicated by arrow 1 which stays around even when the demo function has finished executing.
    5. Then the demo function creates an anonymous function (line 7) which is shown in the image above as the arrow 5. This anonymous function captures the variable id. And since it's another closure, the anonymous function also holds a reference to the demo function as shown in the image above as the arrow 6.
    6. Then we assign the anonymous function to a variable called cancelDemo which is owned by the globalThis object. So the globalThis object holds a reference to the anonymous function (line 13) as shown in the image above as the arrow 7.

    The image above shows the what I imagine the memory graph of the code above would look like by the end of the demo() function. As you can see, the bigArrayBuffer is still in memory after the demo() function has finished executing because of my second assumption about how closures work.

    Now when the setTimeout callback function is called and finishes executing, the memory graph would look like this:

    1. The setTimeout callback function is called. Once it reaches the end of the function, it will be garbage collected. This causes the references 2, 3, and 4 to be removed from the memory graph.
    2. Unfortunately, since the bigArrayBuffer is still being referenced by demo function, it cannot be garbage collected! And the demo function cannot be garbage collected either because it's still referenced by the cancelDemo function.

    Finally, as proven by my experiment in the previous blog post, the only way to clear up everything is by setting cancelDemo to null. When the cancelDemo variable is set to null, the references 5, 6, and 7 are removed from the memory graph as shown in the image above. Then the demo function has no more references to it and it can be garbage collected. As a result, the bigArrayBuffer is also garbage collected.

    The Solution

    In the previous blog post, I mentioned that the solution to this problem is to pass the bigArrayBuffer as the third argument to setTimeout:

    function demo() {
      const bigArrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(100_000_000)
      const id = setTimeout(
        (buffer) => {
      return () => clearTimeout(id)
    let cancelDemo = demo()

    This is how I imagine the memory graph would look like after the demo() function has finished executing:

    1. When the demo() function is called (line 14 in the code), a reference to it is created.
    2. Then it creates bigArrayBuffer (line 2) which means the demo function own the reference to the bigArrayBuffer as indicated by the arrow 1 in the image above.
    3. Just like the problematic code, it then creates a callback function (line 4) which is passed to setTimeout as indicated by the arrow 2 in the image above. But unlike the original code, this callback function doesn't capture the bigArrayBuffer. Instead, we pass the bigArrayBuffer as the third argument to setTimeout. So the the callback function still holds a reference to the bigArrayBuffer as indicated by the arrow 3 just like in the original code.
    4. Then it follows the same step 5 and 6 as in the original code.

    The main difference is that by the end of the demo() function, the demo function doesn't hold the reference to the bigArrayBuffer anymore. It already passes the reference to the setTimeout callback function as the third argument. That's why arrow 3 in the image above is dotted. By the end of the demo() function, there is no longer a reference to the bigArrayBuffer from the demo function. There is only one reference to the bigArrayBuffer from the setTimeout callback function!

    After a second, the setTimeout callback function is called and finishes executing. The memory graph would look like this:

    The setTimeout callback function finishes executing. Once it reaches the end of the function, it will be garbage collected. This causes the references 2 and 3 to be removed from the memory graph. As a result, the bigArrayBuffer is also garbage collected because it no longer has any references. This is why the there is no more 100 MB of memory allocated as I've shown in the memory heap in the Chrome DevTools in the previous blog post.

    And when the cancelDemo variable is set to null, the references 5 and 6 are removed from the memory graph which finally releases the demo function too as shown in the image below.


    My explanation above only holds true if my two assumptions about how closure in JavaScript works is correct:

    1. The closure maintains a reference not only to the variable, but also implicitly holds a reference to the variable's owning scope.
    2. The closure instructs the owner of the variable to keep a reference to it as long as the owner is still around.

    I'd be glad to change my mind if someone can prove me wrong.

    By the way, I'm making a book about Pull Requests Best Practices. Check it out!