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    How to deploy React Native iOS app to TestFlight from Azure DevOps pipeline


    When you develop an iOS app, Android app, or a cross-platform app using React Native in a company, there is one thing you need to implement as soon as possible to save you tons of troubles in the future: the CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) pipeline to deploy or submit the app to App Store or Play Store. Because unlike deploying websites, deploying mobile apps has a lot of steps. The sooner you can automate the deployment process, the faster you can get the app out to users, and in return, you can get feedback faster too. Even if only to internal users.

    Aside from being able to have a quick feedback loop, the main purpose of the CI/CD pipeline to deploy or submit the app to App Store or Play Store is to prevent only a single person from being able to deploy the app. We don't want to be unable to deploy the app if the person is not available or having problems with their computer.

    In the Apple ecosystem, we can deploy beta versions of our apps to TestFlight. In this guide, I'll show you how to deploy a React Native app to TestFlight from an Azure DevOps pipeline because that's what the company I work for uses.

    The tools

    To accomplish this, we'll use the following tools:

    • Xcode: The official Apple developer tool to build and debug iOS apps.
    • Fastlane: A tool to automate the deployment process.
    • Azure DevOps: A cloud-based DevOps platform.
    • CocoaPods: A dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C projects.
    • Ruby: A dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity.
    • Bundler: A tool for managing dependencies in a Ruby project.

    Aside from the repository where the app is stored, we also need another repository to store the encrypted certificates and provisioning profiles. You need access to both repositories to be able to deploy the app to TestFlight.

    The requirements

    • An Apple account. Your account must be a member of the team that you want to deploy the app to in AppStore Connect. You need to have Admin rights in the team to be able to generate certificates, app identifiers, and provisioning profiles.
    • Another Apple account if you want to use a different account to deploy the app to TestFlight from the Azure DevOps pipeline. Otherwise, you can use the same account as the one you use to deploy the app to AppStore Connect.
    • Create an app-specific password for the Apple account that will be used in the pipeline.
    • Create a Personal Access Token in Azure DevOps that will be used in the pipeline. Go to<your_organization>/_usersSettings/tokens to create a new token.


    Ruby and Bundler

    Fastlane and CocoaPods require Ruby to be installed. I normally use rbenv to manage Ruby versions and to avoid using sudo to install gems. At the time of this writing, I use ruby 3.3.4.

    Once ruby is installed, you can install bundler by running the following command: gem install bundler. I use bundler to manage the gems in my project.

    Fastlane and CocoaPods

    Once we have bundler installed, we can create a Gemfile in the root directory of the repository to list the gems we need. Here's the Gemfile:

    source ''
    gem 'fastlane'
    gem 'cocoapods'

    Then run bundle install to install the gems. Once the gems are installed, you need to use bundle exec to run the commands of the gems. For example, to run any commands from fastlane, you need to run bundle exec fastlane. Or to install the pods, you need to run bundle exec pod install.


    To submit an iOS app, we need to archive the app and sign it with a valid certificate. It is a very complicated and tedious process. Fortunately, the community has already done a lot of work to make this process easier: Fastlane's match. Using match, the team and in this case the pipeline, can use the required certificates and provisioning profiles securely. You can read more about code signing and managing certificates in this guide from Fastlane. But the idea is to first generate the certificates and provisioning profiles, then store them securely in a Git repository. Then on a new computer, you can use match to install the certificates and provisioning profiles.

    To get started, run bundle exec fastlane match init. Follow the instructions to generate the certificates and provisioning profiles, and to store them securely in a Git repository. This is why you need to have an Apple account with admin rights.

    Secrets in Azure DevOps

    The pipeline will need to perform tasks that require authentication like deploying the app to TestFlight. We can store these secret keys in Azure DevOps by creating a variable group. In your Azure DevOps project's sidebar, go to Pipelines > Library > Variable Groups. Click on + Variable Group and name it something, e.g., ios-build-secrets. Next, add these variables:

    MATCH_PASSWORDThe password you set when you initialize the match command.Make sure to keep it secret.
    FASTLANE_USERThe email address of the Apple account.
    FASTLANE_PASSWORDThe password of the Apple account.May not be needed anymore due to app-specific password usage. Make sure to keep it secret.
    FASTLANE_APPLE_APPLICATION_SPECIFIC_PASSWORDThe app-specific password.Make sure to keep it secret.
    AZURE_PATThe Azure DevOps personal access token.Make sure to keep it secret. Note that Azure personal access token cannot be set to valid forever. If your pipeline fails because it cannot access the match repository, it's probably because the token has expired.

    There is another way to interact with the AppStore connect which uses the API key instead of the app-specific password. But at the time of implementing the pipeline, I didn't have the rights to create an API key. So I used the app-specific password instead.

    The pipeline configuration

    This is the pipeline configuration I use to deploy the app to TestFlight:

      - main # or whatever your main branch is named
      vmImage: 'macos-13'
      - group: ios-build-secrets # Create this variable group in Azure DevOps to store sensitive information
      - name: DEVELOPER_DIR
        value: '/Applications/'
      - stage: testflight
        displayName: 'TestFlight iOS'
          - job: BuildAndUpload
            displayName: 'Build and Upload'
              - task: NodeTool@0
                  versionSpec: '20.x' # or whichever version you're using
                displayName: 'Install Node.js'
              - script: |
                  echo Installed Xcode versions:
                  ls /Applications | grep 'Xcode'
                  echo currently selected xcode:
                  xcrun xcode-select --print-path
                  echo selecting latest xcode...
                  sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
                  xcrun xcode-select --print-path
                  xcodebuild -version
                displayName: 'Select Xcode version'
              - script: |
                  echo "SOME_ENV_FOR_REACT_NATIVE_APP_2=$(SOME_ENV_FOR_REACT_NATIVE_APP_2)" >> .env
                displayName: 'Create .env file'
              - task: Cache@2
                  key: 'npm | "$(Agent.OS)" | package-lock.json'
                  restoreKeys: |
                    npm | "$(Agent.OS)"
                  path: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/node_modules
                  cacheHitVar: NPM_CACHE_RESTORED
                displayName: Cache node_modules
              - script: |
                  npm ci
                displayName: 'Install dependencies'
                condition: ne(variables.NPM_CACHE_RESTORED, 'true')
              - task: Cache@2
                  key: 'bundle | "$(Agent.OS)" | Gemfile.lock'
                  restoreKeys: |
                    bundle | "$(Agent.OS)"
                  path: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/.bundle
                  cacheHitVar: BUNDLER_CACHE_RESTORED
                displayName: 'Cache bundle dependencies'
              - script: |
                  gem install bundler
                  bundle config path $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/.bundle
                  bundle install
                  bundle update
                displayName: 'Install and update bundle'
                condition: ne(variables.BUNDLER_CACHE_RESTORED, 'true')
              - task: Cache@2
                  key: 'pods | "$(Agent.OS)" | ios/Podfile.lock'
                  restoreKeys: |
                    pods | "$(Agent.OS)"
                  path: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/ios/Pods
                displayName: Cache CocoaPods
              - script: |
                  cd ios
                  bundle exec pod install
                displayName: 'Install CocoaPods dependencies'
              - script: |
                  cd ios
                  export MATCH_GIT_BASIC_AUTHORIZATION=$(printf ":$AZURE_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN" | base64)
                  bundle exec fastlane beta
                  FASTLANE_USER: $(FASTLANE_USER)
                displayName: 'Build and Upload to TestFlight'

    Few notes about this configuration:

    • At the time of this writing, you should not use macos-latest for the vmImage because for some reason it's not the latest, that's why I'm using macos-13 instead.
    • You have to find out which version of the latest Xcode is available. In this pipeline, I'm using 15.2 because that's the latest version of Xcode available in the vmImage at the time of this writing. Then you have to make sure your pipeline is using the latest Xcode as shown above by running sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
    • For some reason, just by exposing the environment variables in the step doesn't work. My React Native app doesn't use the environment variables I expose in the step. So that's why I added the step to create the .env file.
    • The app is built and uploaded to TestFlight using Fastlane as shown in the command bundle exec fastlane beta.

    The Fastfile I use to build and upload the app to TestFlight:

    platform :ios do
      desc "Push a new beta build to TestFlight"
      lane :beta do
          type: "appstore",
          readonly: is_ci,
          git_basic_authorization: ENV['MATCH_GIT_BASIC_AUTHORIZATION']) # This automatically creates or downloads certificates, provisioning profiles, and more
        update_project_team( # Set the right team on your project
          teamid: CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:team_id)
        build_id = ENV['BUILD_BUILDID'] # use azure devops build id. tried latest_build_number action but it needs the App Store Connect API key.
          xcodeproj: "your_project_name.xcodeproj",
          build_number: build_id)
          workspace: "your_project_name.xcworkspace",
          scheme: "your_project_name",
          clean: true,
          verbose: true,
          export_method: "app-store",
          build_path: "./builds",
          output_directory: "./builds")
          skip_waiting_for_build_processing: true,
          apple_id: CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:apple_id),
          username: ENV['FASTLANE_USER'],

    and the Appfile:

    app_identifier("") # The bundle identifier of your app
    itc_team_id("xxxxxx") # App Store Connect Team ID
    apple_id("xxxxxx") # Apple ID

    Few notes about the Fastfile and Appfile:

    • I use the Azure DevOps build id to set the build number of the app because it's the easiest to have different build numbers every time. This way, I won't have to worry about App Store Connect complaining about duplicate build numbers.
    • The skip_waiting_for_build_processing, apple_id, and username are required to upload the app to TestFlight using the app-specific password. Otherwise, it will use the normal login and it will ask for the 2FA code which we cannot enter since it's running in a non-interactive pipeline.
    • The apple_id value is NOT the email address of the Apple account. It is actually the generated ID assigned to your app. You can find it by going to the "App Information" page in App Store Connect which is under the "General" section. Or, you can find it in the URL when you go to the app's page in App Store Connect. For example, if the app's page URL is, then the apple_id is xxxxxx.

    That's it! Now you can run the pipeline and it will build and upload the app to TestFlight. But a few warnings:

    • Building and uploading the app to TestFlight from a computer that you don't own is very fragile. Just a small difference between the computer you own and the computer you use to run the pipeline can cause the pipeline to fail.
    • The mac computer that is used in the pipeline is not as powerful as the mac computer you own. Running the pipeline above takes around 20 minutes!


    I have a new article to deploy two versions of the app to TestFlight from Azure DevOps pipeline. Check it out here.

    By the way, I'm making a book about Pull Requests Best Practices. Check it out!